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This workbook has been designed to introduce children and teenagers to the concept of grounding. It is suitable for children aged 10 and older.


It begins by explaining what it means to be grounded vs what it means to be ungrounded, and then introduces 15 grounding exercises that they can try. There are five exercises under three categories: physical grounding ideas, mental grounding ideas, and soothing grounding ideas.


The workbook ends with a 'Grounding Toolkit' worksheet.


Building a grounding toolkit can be a useful resource when children/teenagers are feeling ungrounded or anxious. They can use the strategies in this workbook to create a toolkit that works for them by choosing the strategies they found most effective. When they are next feeling ungrounded, they can use this toolkit to bring themselves back into the present moment.

Staying Grounded: Grounding Activities and Worksheets for Kids & Young Teens

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