By Emily Hanlon
CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is a method of psychological intervention that is based on the notion that our thoughts influence our feelings and our behaviours. The main principal of CBT is that our thoughts about a situation are what cause negative feelings. I often use CBT (where appropriate) with children and teens who are experiencing anxiety. I love using CBT with teens because I strongly feel as though helping teenagers become more aware of their thoughts and mindset, helps with emotional regulation and helps develop stronger emotional intelligence. And, as John Gottman shows us, emotional intelligence is a better predictor for success in later life than IQ.
However, when it comes to teens, the online resources are minimal. Worksheets are either too 'childish' or too 'adult' in nature. I have created a thought challenging worksheet that uses a little colour (neutral tones) that may be a little more appropriate for teenagers and young adults. You can download it for free here:
A final note, if you're after a way to explain CBT to kids, I love using the 'Rollercoaster Story.' You can find a free script for that on another of my blog posts, here:
And lastly, if you're wanting a complete CBT resource that is appropriate for kids and young teenagers, check out my CBT Journal:
